Everyone's beautiful in God's eyes
but I ain't God
and I still think you're the bomb!
You heart is pure
your mind is sharp
but Imma focus on your body for this one
You fine girl
the spark in your eyes
the heart warming smile
that striking blend of black hair
and lovely chocolately brown skin
Ha, your skin
don't know how you do it
but Mars bars ain't got it like you do
The chocolate layer that is your skin glows
it invites me to touch
to kiss
to stroke
Otto tells me your skin is the way it is
coz it reflects brown light
and absorbs all the other colours
well, I ain't no biology professor
but I do know this
You don't need no make-up
that your lovely smooth skin can do without
your skin, the colour of Mother Earth
and when I kiss you
it's like returning to her
you are my earth
the foundation on which I rest my heart
the place to which I return
when its all said and done
I cherish you
I love you
I adore you
You who are everything but brown