Ground floor waiting for the elevator
several thoughts on my mind
VW or Toyota, banking or consulting
see her coming my way
she's coming in from outside
So I get a pretty good view :)
what if I goof
she approaches
she passes, smiles
think she likes me
something about the way she said hi
she walked
I got in the metal beast
she got on 3 floors, 13 seconds later
"thought you were walking"
"changed my mind"
first real exchange of words
I'll keep them with me for life
can't remember what followed after
mind was a mess, heart was a pump
tried to be cool
wanted to sound smart
sure I didn't come off as either
can't believe this is happening again!
wish I'd recorded what I'd said
for posterity's sake
for when I tell the kids how we met
Ain't even asked her out yet
True that
Think she likes me
I smile